Hard To Beat A Saliva Test

Why is it hard to beat a saliva test? The world has youtbe videos and we stories on how to beat or cheat on your saliva test.

I will link to some of the ways the internet says you can beat the saliva testing.

Or you can even watch on youtube how to beat a saliva test. There are many more stories and videos on how to do this.

Not so fast.

We do not even argue that these ways can beat saliva tests. But these saliva tests are not our saliva tests. We use a mouthwash that creates more saliva and then use that saliva to perform the drug tests on.

From one of our customers Nathan Keele gave this answer to “well someone will just beat it.”

“Yeah, right. And so there will be, but the other difference is this is 100% observed and then our mouth rinse also cleans out the palate.

So if they took something before, it doesn’t really matter. If they took like a mouth rinse to try and or a mouthwash to try and get all the drugs out of the system, it doesn’t affect it because with our mouth rinse, it makes you salivate again.”

Observation lessens cheating.

You can easily be observed taking one our our saliva tests. No private parts showing and no needles you can say you are too scared to let happen. Just swish this mouthwash around and spit it back in the tube. Our family has plenty of police officers, who we love, in it so we can say this as we laugh. Even the police can do it.

States rights.

You can beat a saliva test in some states because the laws make it hard to use Saliva tests there.

.To quote Nathan Keele.

“There’s certain states that we aren’t selling this to like Vermont and New York because they have their own processes that we have to get everything situated with and they just take forever.

New York especially, you know that. They’re like their own country in regulations and so got to deal with that.

But most other states we are totally fine to sell this in right now.”

Not Contaminated.

It is very hard to contaminate the sample as you can only get the cap off the test in the lab. ie you cannot just unscrew it. We have a patent on the locking mechanism, so nobody else can lock like ours, which ensures chain of custody. Patent #

Nathan Keele talking about cheap competitors.

“But the problem with them is they won’t hold up a court because it’s just one sample that they’re taking.

And then it also doesn’t seal. It just twists shut, but you can twist it back open. So it doesn’t have the chance it has to be.”

Others do not have on the spot and lab verified tests that are not able to be contaminated.

Easy Training

So you need to be certified to do testing that is allowed in court or really means something.

You want to just be able to pull out the test and do it, we send you a virtual training and you can train as many as those as you want.

And then they become certified lab collectors from the lab because they now have the training. And it’s just virtual and they get a certification.

So certified drug users. oops not really certified to give Saliva drug tests.

Lab and right now testing.

You can see the results almost immediately and with the mouthwash have it be verified by the lab. It is much harder to beat two tests than one and two tests is a great confirmation of the other test.

Summary of how it is hard to beat a saliva test.

Mouth rinse for just made Saliva drug testing.

Double test. Now and in the lab verification.

Sealed and only opened in the lab.

You can easily watch them do it.

No needles or training on how to put a needle in someone.

Easy to get qualified test givers.

You can order them now.