DUI Kills.

Is it worse to kill someone while DUI or be killed? Not a question that you want to even ask. DUI kills is a fact in the USA. More than 10,000 people are killed a year in DUI’s. how many more are injured?


The number one cause of deaths on our roadways is caused by DUI. There are too many sad stories. Do not drive if you are under the influence of drugs or alcohol. This is true even if they are legal drugs.


Mothers against drunk driving are trying in many ways to help victims of drunk driving. Stop drunk driving. They want a nation where we stop these horrible stories. They speak of underage drinking or drug abuse in MADD. But the truth even for those who are adults they still have a Mother who is against DUI. This is a quote from the MADD website “By supporting high-visibility traffic safety enforcement, we’re also saving lives as sobriety checkpoints have proven to reduce drunk driving fatalities by 20 percent.”

Fentanyl kills

As bad as DUI is drug overdoses are killing way more than DUI. Illicitly manufactured fentanyl (IMF) is used in many things that most of us would not even think would have or contain Fentanyl. If you think someone is overdosing the simple steps to follow are call 911, administer naxolone if you have it, and keep them away and put them on their side not on their back. One of the reasons people do not call 911 is that they they think they can get in big trouble as the police and other first responders are showing up. Many states have laws protecting those who called for help from getting into legal trouble. And many even have it for those who are called for. Get help for those who may be overdosing.

3 grains of salt

It takes so little Fentanyl to kill you. Literally as little as 3 grains of salt of fentanyl can cause an overdose. You may not see it or smell it or taste it. But it can be there.

Police detecting of DUI.

The easiest way for Police officers to see if someone is under the influence of drugs is by administering a saliva drug test and a breathalyzer for blood alcohol content.. The Saliva drug test might not even be used in some places in court. If it is a pure alcohol DUI you most likely need a breathalyzer to show alcohol content. This is bad because we need people who are caught DUI to have a consequence.. But where it cannot be used legally. It can serve as a wake up call. It can be the first step in then getting a Urine or blood test. Lets give law enforcement a tool they can use quickly to verify is someone is DUI. For Non alcohol DUI a saliva test is the way to go.

lab and immediate results saliva test
lab and immediate results saliva test

News of DUI.

Here are some stories just on the day this article was written of DUI

Uber driver and 3 passengers killed by DUI driver.

Jana Diaz kill in DUI crash.

Philadelphia suspected DUI kills 4.

Woman fatally struck by car in Brooklyn Heights, driver arrested on suspicion of DUI.

The stories happen every day. How are we going to stop these deaths.

The scars never go away for some.

School testing.

Can we help kids not get on drugs or detect it earlier by doing testing in schools? Some say yes. Look up the statistics and make your own mind on t. is. It might help stop DUI later.