COVID Testing Program for Businesses

Construction of new offices for Tanzania National Electoral Commission  (NEC) nears completion


With the President’s new vaccine mandate for companies that employ over 100 employees, you might consider a COVID testing plan for your business. Many places of businesses are scrambling to be able to comply with the mandate but also being able to accommodate their employees that aren’t vaccinated. The mandate includes the necessity to test employees weekly that aren’t vaccinated but close to 20 million workers are facing the mandate with no option of being tested regularly in place of receiving the vaccine. 


COVID testing for a business can seem intimidating but that’s where I come in. I have access to different programs you can implement into your place of business to accommodate everyone. I am flexible so that I can help meet your specific needs.

A few benefits I can provide through my programs:

  1. All the different types of tests you might need (rapid antigen, PCR, antibody)
  2. User-friendly software to help with scheduling, tracking results for documentation, and reporting to the local health departments
  3. We can hire collectors to administer the tests at the times and places convenient for you
  4. Competitive pricing
  5. Experience from over seeing the management of thousands of tests from helping my clients across the country


I make COVID testing for a business easy. I’ll take care of the implementation completely. We’ll first figure out exactly what you’re needing; how many tests you’ll need each week to how many collectors you’ll need to administer the tests. Then I provide all the supplies needed; the actual tests, the PPE (Personal Protective Equipment), software for tracking/reporting to the health department, etc. All you’ll need to do is schedule the days you need to test your employees and then I take care of the rest.

In addition, I’ll be your direct contact if you ever need anything. No need to deal with the hassle of a large corporation. You’ll be able to call, text, or email anytime with questions you have or help that you need. Let me help you get your COVID testing plan setup for your business. Place an order request to get in touch and we can figure out the best program that fits your needs.