Best Saliva Drug Test

When is the best saliva drug test available?

The best saliva drug test it is available now and we call EZ Saliva II. click to buy.

Easy to use swab and mouth rinse

Results in minutes

Lab confirmation

Everything you need in one package

Recently we showed this to a customer who said you are charging us less than the lab we send our current saliva tests to. And they only do the lab. There is no on the spot test and you are still less money.

What is the best Saliva drug test?

When it comes to drug testing, there is no “one size fits all” solution. We understand that needs change from industry to industry and from location to location. The EZ Saliva II gives you the control in customizing what drugs you would like to test for. It is capable of detecting up to 30 different illicit drugs (including Fentanyl). This is just part of the reason why this is the best saliva drug test available.

The EZ Saliva ll tests for the following drugs:

THC (Marijuana), COC (Cocaine), OPI (Opiods), AMP (Amphetamines), PCP, 5-AM (Heroin), MDMA (Ecstasy, Molly), OXY (Oxycodone), FLY (Fentanyl), KET (Ketamine), MOR/MOP (Morphine), LSD, MAMP (Methamphetamine), ZOL (Ambien), BAR (Barbiturates), K2, BZO (Benzodiazepines), TML (Tramadol), MTD (Methadone), MPD (Ritalin), MQL (Quaalude), Stimulants, BUP (Iburenorphine), COT (Cotinine), CLO (Klonopin), ETG (Alcohol), ACE (Acetaminophen), EDDP (Methadone Metabolite), PPX (Propoxyphene)

Click here to request more information on how to order your tests

Best saliva drug test

Why is this the best Saliva drug test?

Saliva II drug test versus other
 drug tests


Saliva drug testing is non-invasive and requires minimal effort from the police officer or whomever is administering the test.. Meaning you do not have to go to a private place and you do not have to poke them with a needle. In contrast, a urine test may require the tested to provide a urine sample, which can be inconvenient or uncomfortable. It can take several hours for a person to be willing or able to give a urine sample. A saliva sample can be taken in minutes. Even the mouth rinse is not toxic if swallowed. It will not hurt you.

Quick Results:

Collecting a saliva sample is quick and easy, taking only a few minutes to complete. In contrast, collecting a urine sample can take longer as the individual may need to wait until they have enough urine in their bladder. Additionally, collecting a urine sample can be more invasive and require more privacy, which can take additional time. Saliva drug testing is often more convenient for both the person being tested and the tester. These tests can be administered virtually anywhere and require no special equipment or facilities. In contrast, urine drug tests require access to a bathroom and may need to be conducted in a private setting. Saliva drug tests are highly accurate and have a low chance of producing false positives. In contrast, urine drug tests can be prone to producing false positives due to the many ways one could fake the test.

Results can be gotten online from the lab test is the other way the results are quick. You do not need to wait for something to be mailed back to you.

Detection Window:

Saliva drug tests are good at detecting recent drug use, typically within the past 24-48 hours. This can be important for police officers who may be required to be drug-free while on duty, and for whom recent drug use may be more relevant than use from several days prior. A saliva drug test is better than a urine test when considering the detection window comparison because it has a shorter window of detection than urine. Saliva drug tests can typically detect drug use within the past 24-48 hours, whereas urine tests can detect drug use up to several days or even weeks after use. This is because drugs and their metabolites are excreted from the body in urine at a slower rate than they are in saliva.

Law enforcement testing.

For police officers, a shorter detection window is often preferred because it can provide more recent and accurate information. You can know they have used drugs recently to understand better if they are currently under the influence instead of days prior. Law enforcement can administer the test right there and not have to take them to get a blood or urine test. So saves literally hours of time. And not be a pain to those who are really not on drugs.

Made in the USA.

The Lab is in the USA for quality and time to ship.

Difficult to Cheat:

Saliva drug testing is non-invasive and requires minimal effort from the person being tested, which reduces the chances of tampering or substitution. A Saliva drug test can be administered under direct observation, which reduces the possibility of substitution or adulteration of the sample. Saliva drug tests can be performed immediately, which means that the person being tested cannot adulterate or substitute their sample beforehand. These features make saliva drug testing a more reliable and secure method of drug testing.

Split Sample:

The EZ Saliva II provides you with screening results in just a few minutes. When positives are detected from the screening portion. A second sample is collected at the same time and can be sent back to the lab to be processed. With a split sample saliva drug test, the same sample can be tested twice using different methods. Which increases the accuracy and reliability of the results. Because the same sample is tested twice. The chance of false positives is significantly reduced, ensuring that individuals are not falsely accused of drug use. This makes it way more likely to hold up in a legal case if needed.

Defeats Tampering.

Split sample testing also reduces the possibility of cheating or tampering with the test. As any attempt to alter or adulterate the sample will be detected during confirmatory testing. In the event that a positive result is obtained from initial testing. The confirmation process is easier and quicker since the second sample is already available.
Confirming the tests validity by testing using a different method in the lab.

Third party

If needed you can have it so we administer the test and watch them take it over zoom, hangouts or Facetime to make sure there is not in house messing it up. This is usually not a big deal in small companies but it can be in a large company. And if you need random testing we can be the company that helps decide who is on the random test.


We use a patented mouth rinse to help you salivate and get the most recent sample in your Saliva.

For Security the locking mechanism to send the saliva sample to the lab is also patented and that cannot be tampered with and only can be unlocked in the lab.

For legal reasons you can have us online watching the person take the drug test. ie third party verification.

The test in the field might not have exactly what drug you needed us to test for. The lab side of the two part tests for many more drugs. Even this split sample is patented. So no one else can do it.

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  1. Pingback: Construction Saliva drug Testing.

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