Welcome to the place to get all your PCR testing done.

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What is PCR testing?

Some call it Molecular photocopying and it stands for polymerase chain reaction but that is harder to understand than just pcr testing. PCR testing became much more common with Covid because it was a great way to see if that particular It’s a test to that can detect genetic material from a specific organism, such as a virus. The test detects the presence of a virus or other specific genetic trait by separating the genetic material from the rest of the sample. For example if you have the Covid virus at the time of the test. The genetics are separated out then heated and cooled in a genetic cycler. Then by adding chemicals and enzymes there is a certain color or glow that happens such that computer programs can tell if Covid or other specific genetics are in the sample. This PCR testing can take hours to be done.

What is antigen testing.

This is a test that can be done in 15-20 minutes. Often used for covid testing. it is not as accurate and better used when you just have gotten covid or in the early stages of covid.

Testing needs.

There are lots of PCR testing needs. Let us know if you need them. It can test for way more than Covid. Other viruses have been tested for a long time using PCR testing. Just this kind of test was available when covid came out and then became in a much wider use. How to do these tests and how to get the results in a timely manner are what we can help with. Call or ask us to see if we can help with your needs.